SharePoint List 2.0 Power BI Connector: Is the Limit 5000 Rows?

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Early on when the SharePoint Online List 2.0 connector was released, I did some internet searching to see why you’d use the new connector vs the old connector. It turned up a lot of posts like this, where it was stated that the limit on the 2.0 connector was a maximum of 5000 returned rows.… Continue reading: SharePoint List 2.0 Power BI Connector: Is the Limit 5000 Rows?

Which tool should I use to make a form in Microsoft 365?

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It depends on exactly what functionality you need, who your form submitters are, and what licensing you have available to use. Are your form submitters internal organization users or anonymous/external? If your submitters are external and not being explicitly invited with their Microsoft 365 accounts, the answer is going to be Microsoft Forms or Power… Continue reading: Which tool should I use to make a form in Microsoft 365?

New Dataverse table isn’t showing up in Power BI? Here’s the fix.

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I run into this problem more times than not when setting up tables in Dataverse to use with Power BI. Why does this happen? I have no idea. After creating the table, I go to search for it in the Power BI Dataverse connector menu and the table doesn’t show up. Waiting it out doesn’t… Continue reading: New Dataverse table isn’t showing up in Power BI? Here’s the fix.

Can’t find the “create a custom connector from blank” button?

If you went looking to create a custom connector and had trouble finding the button, you’re not alone. You’d probably expect the option to be in the “connectors” menu option in the Power Apps maker portal, but no! The connectors page will only let you create a connection from an existing connector. To create a… Continue reading: Can’t find the “create a custom connector from blank” button?

Dataverse Choice Fields: How to get the text value in Power Automate

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When you’re working with Dataverse sources in Power Automate, there’s a few hoops you need to jump through – particularly when you’re working with lookup and choice-type fields. When you insert a dynamic content card for a Dataverse choice field into an action, such as if you’re sending an email or approval and want to… Continue reading: Dataverse Choice Fields: How to get the text value in Power Automate

How to use David Bacci’s Gantt Deneb Template

You may have noticed that if you’re trying to make a Gantt chart in Power BI, there aren’t a ton of really great options, particularly in the “free” category. I picked up David Bacci’s Deneb template because it does milestones, dependencies, and phases, which the Microsoft Gantt is pretty lacking in feature-wise. David Bacci has… Continue reading: How to use David Bacci’s Gantt Deneb Template

How to set Power Pages form fields via URL parameters (including lookup fields)

Setting form fields in Power Pages via the URL – meaning that when someone clicks a link, certain fields are pre-set according to content in the link – can be done with JavaScript in Power Pages! The documentation on this is a bit light, and Chat GPT was not very useful in writing code to… Continue reading: How to set Power Pages form fields via URL parameters (including lookup fields)

Get Planner checklist/subtask items using Power Automate

So I completely re-worked the way I did this in my YouTube video, here’s the new method. I’ve not yet had time to go through and re-write the associated blog article but wanted to leave the post here in case there’s any links persisting out there. Please see the video for the most up-to-date instructions!… Continue reading: Get Planner checklist/subtask items using Power Automate

Get Planner data with Power Automate

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If you’re looking for a simple no-code way to get Microsoft Planner data, Power Automate is the way to go. We can create a scheduled flow that stores the data in a SharePoint Online path, then connect to that file with Power Query in Power BI or Excel! Create a Scheduled Power Automate flow In… Continue reading: Get Planner data with Power Automate