Creating a clickable link to a Planner task in Power BI

If you’ve been following the series on how to get Planner data in Power BI, you might also want to create clickable hyperlinks to tasks in your table visuals. Assuming your data structure is the same as that in the linked video, all you need to do is add a custom column in Power Query,… Continue reading: Creating a clickable link to a Planner task in Power BI

December 2024 Power Platform News

What’s new and interesting in the world of Power Platform? Power BI From the Power BI Core Visuals vision board: Sidenote, the vision board linked above is also a Power BI report itself – @Power BI Park has a “reverse-engineer” tutorial here. In other Power BI / Fabric news, org apps were also released recently, allowing multiple… Continue reading: December 2024 Power Platform News

Can you update a task in Premium Planner for the Web with Power Automate?

There’s not a connector for premium like there is for basic Planner! This topic comes up a lot, and I had a hunch that it wasn’t as simple as you’d expect, but it turns out you really can’t use the Dataverse connector to update premium Planner tasks: I tested this out using a basic “update… Continue reading: Can you update a task in Premium Planner for the Web with Power Automate?

How to get “completed by” user data for Planner

photo of a desk - credit to pexels user thirdman for image

If you’ve been following my series on how to get Planner data (basic Planner, not premium) with Power Automate, you may have noticed that there is not a “completed by” user name or ID field available as a dynamic content card. We can still get the completed-by data using direct references to the JSON output… Continue reading: How to get “completed by” user data for Planner

Microsoft Planner / Project for the Web Color Label Values

colored paper header - credit to pexels

If you use Microsoft Planner or Project for the Web, you’re probably familiar with the colored labels you can add to tasks. These can be renamed to whatever you like; they’re used to “flag” tasks. When we pull this task data into Power BI, we lose a lot of the label details. If we’re using… Continue reading: Microsoft Planner / Project for the Web Color Label Values

How to use David Bacci’s Gantt Deneb Template

You may have noticed that if you’re trying to make a Gantt chart in Power BI, there aren’t a ton of really great options, particularly in the “free” category. I picked up David Bacci’s Deneb template because it does milestones, dependencies, and phases, which the Microsoft Gantt is pretty lacking in feature-wise. David Bacci has… Continue reading: How to use David Bacci’s Gantt Deneb Template

Get Planner checklist/subtask items using Power Automate

So I completely re-worked the way I did this in my YouTube video, here’s the new method. I’ve not yet had time to go through and re-write the associated blog article but wanted to leave the post here in case there’s any links persisting out there. Please see the video for the most up-to-date instructions!… Continue reading: Get Planner checklist/subtask items using Power Automate

Get Planner data with Power Automate

planner board

If you’re looking for a simple no-code way to get Microsoft Planner data, Power Automate is the way to go. We can create a scheduled flow that stores the data in a SharePoint Online path, then connect to that file with Power Query in Power BI or Excel! Create a Scheduled Power Automate flow In… Continue reading: Get Planner data with Power Automate